What is the Muscular system??

The muscles we have in our body are divided into three parts:  cardiac,  smooth,  and  skeletal. Skeletal  muscles  make up what is recognized as the muscular system. The muscular system composed over 600 muscles of different shapes and forms. Differences between each muscle are recognized by location, structure, function and the way they are contracted.



bend at the joint...the flexors appears in wrist or ankle joints.

Unbends at the joint, increasing the interior angle.

Take away from the body, like lifting the arm  to the side. Abd- means to take away, Spreading out your fingers uses abductors because you are taking aways your fingers from a imaginary line running down your arm.

The opposites of abductors, move toward the body.Add- means to increase or include. By lowing and arm raise to the side, or moving your fingers together, your muscles are adducting.

Major Skeletal Muscles

Facial, neck, shoulder, and arm.

The facial are all the muscles which  move the face.

The neck area is almost entirely moved by the sternohyoid. These muscles allow the neck to move your head left and right.

The shoulder is a group of muscles that work together to move the whole shoulder area.

The arm is the most known amongst teenage weight lifters.

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